Testimonials >> Anti-Aging Plan

Life extension and
disease treatment through
periodic fasting and
caloric restriction -
the most powerful
scientifically proven
natural anti-aging method

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(Body Mass Index)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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DanielesOlo 2025/02/11 21:55:12
Awesome news for all us

StacyAllen 2025/02/06 16:18:29
Hi there

Carpetgbl 2025/02/05 00:19:38
works of art.

Irrigationcwb 2025/02/04 18:25:35
... As a rule, the manuscript is called

Stanmorefrz 2025/02/02 01:18:06
manuscripts underwent in the Middle

Extractionzlo 2025/01/31 23:06:01
elements (case, binding).

Visionsmw 2025/01/29 07:13:59
elements (case, binding).

TiffanyTah 2025/01/26 22:03:57
Hi there

Mariedef 2025/01/24 20:25:17
Hi there

DanielesOlo 2025/01/21 11:03:50
Fine news for all us

LindaTaurn 2025/01/20 17:24:09
Hi there

MyongBaita 2025/01/17 18:54:09
Hi there

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Serieshvv 2025/01/11 10:07:11
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Carpetfms 2025/01/05 22:00:08
manuscripts held onto

JacquesGracy 2024/12/19 04:01:59

Rigidopd 2024/12/15 09:45:19
from a printed book, reproduction

WILDKATphs 2024/12/14 16:29:20
or their samples written

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Manuscript is a collective name for texts

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CurtisVam 2024/11/11 06:35:38
Leave your feedback.
We value your opinion.

Olga 2019/01/14 20:48:00
Dear Anti-Aging team,

I would like to thank you for your E-couching fasting program!
I was always curios about water fasting, but did not have enough motivation to try it, before I found you.

Your specially prepared one-week program was really made for me! With your professional support and positive motivation you gave me, I reached my desired results! I lost almost 3-kg, my skin looks better, and surprisingly, I feel more energized!
Very happy that I followed your program and, for next time, I am really looking forward to doing fasting together with your team in Budapest!
Thank you!

Best wishes,

+36306125826 tel

Emily Davenport 2018/08/17 18:06:56
I did the three week anti-aging program with Dr. Economo and Marina this July 2017 and I would highly recommend anyone that wants to experience anti-aging effects and a total body detox to try it. My actual water fast lasted 7 days in during that period Dr. Economo and Marina took me around the city of Budapest and showed me around. I felt very cared for and I was closely monitored on a daily basis. We watched my weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and other vital stats to make sure I was responding well to the fast. It is quite strenuous on the body and doctor supervisor is necessary.

My weight dropped from 153 lbs to 141 lbs and the best part of the experience was getting in touch with my body. It was like hitting the reset button allowing me to listen to my internal signals and cues with better accuracy. I felt my skin improve, my constipation was healed, and I felt more in control of my choices as I started eating again. Marina prepared me juices to break my fast and I gradually introduced healthy foods back into my diet. I now know the correct calorie intake I should have and which foods my body responds best to. This was all made possible with the support and guidance of the Anti-Aging program.

Orla Hayes, Ireland 2017/01/07 18:22:03
My Experience with Fasting.

I had read a lot about fasting and the many amazing effects it has on the body, renew of cells and curing illness. Fasting has now become a part of my life. My main reason top fast was the have optimal health for my body and to reset my taste buds, also I wanted to heal some stomach pains I had been having since I was 14.I am now 30.

I started to fast in 2014 and I began with 2 day fasts, I made sure to eat the best I could a few weeks before hand to help minimise the symptoms of the fast. It is important to prepare the body for a fast.
After my 2 day fasts I would feel good with more energy and better moods, but it still was not long enough to have a great effect. Then I went on to do 7-10 days in between changing my lifestyle to healthiest foods. The results after my 10 day fast was amazing, my skin was so bright my eyes were sparkling, my energy was top and my stomach pains were gone. I felt like me again.

I went on to do 28 days fast also and the results were amazing I felt the healthiest I had ever been, my taste buds only wanted healthy food. I could taste the subtle flavours many of us have not been able to enjoy because our bodies are so toxic.

I did go through some spiritual changes also, I wanted to be more loving I wanted to be my best and follow my dreams, its not just a physical cleanse its an emotional one too. In this world we are all going so fast, we need to stop and relax and deal with ourselves to know ourselves better, We are all worth that.

I have seen so many people cure illness from fasting. Fasting basically resets our body, the energy that is saved by not eating and digesting is then used to heal all those illness problems that would never be healed if it were not for fasting. The energy renews the cells and correct problems and pain.

If you have many illness then fasting more than a few times may help you to overcome this supervised of course with people who know the fasting process and who can put your mind at rest. It is very important to change you bad habit eating after the fast forever as this is only looking for trouble as your problems are sure to come back.

Being in an atmosphere where you are taken care of one on one is such a blessing, being in a place where there is no judgement on “why are you fasting“ helps so much.

Relaxing peace and positive attitude are very great thing to have if fasting.

If you want to take control back of your health fasting is it and to enjoy life to the max

Health is our wealth.

Robert Bernard 2016/06/01 01:05:55
My name is Robert Bernard, I am a staff member of Anti-Aging Centre Europe, I am using Dr. Arcady Economo's detox method: "Anti-Aging Cyclic Nutrition". I want to tell you short story about one of our guests - Sara Bert, from Finland, age 56, arrived on March 2013. Her main diagnosis: Diabetes II type, advanced stage.

Sara arrived to Budapest on March 30th. We met her at the Budapest airport and brought her to Medical Spa Hotel, located on the beautiful green park- island “Margit”. We booked her a comfortable room with a wonderful view on the Danube. Sara came to our program with a very strong motivation: to lose 10 kg in 3 weeks and to detoxify her body. She insisted on 21 days of water fasting. Usually we do not allow water fasting for more than 4-5 days if client has no experience in fasting before. However, she told us she had experience in fasting: 2 weeks in countryside in Finland, 2 weeks juice fasting in Thailand. Her last fasting experience was 7 years ago. Therefore, we decided to try to go 2 weeks on water fasting (0 Cal. per day) and last week juice fasting (actually 200-300 Cal.a day).

On the next day of her arrival, we checked her cardiovascular system with an experienced and certified local medical doctor, as the main contraindication for fasting is arrhythmic heartbeats. Luckily, her heart was functioning normally. Meanwhile Sara had many health problems: she suffers of typical symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. She suffers arthritis, thyroid gland disease, hypotyreos type 2, fibromyalgia, atherosclerosis and hypertension. However, her most dangerous age related disease was diabetes, II type. She was diagnosed diabetes 10 years ago and since that time, her diabetes progressed sufficiently, so her family doctor advised her to start insulin injections. Her journey was her last chance to try fasting as a last remedy to defeat her diabetes progression.

After making all necessary discussion with our medical staff, we decided to approve a preliminary plan described above. On her first day with us, her last meal was special fruit salads with carrot, apple and orange. Before going to bed she took laxative, double dosage pills to clean her gastro intestinal tract. Her blood sugar level next morning, her 2nd day was 9.5 (obvious diabetes). Normal range is between 3.5 and 6.2. So, from 2nd day she started drinking only water (0 calories per day). On the day one her blood pressure was 150/100, but gradually it lowered down in several days and becomes normal 135/80. Her blood sugar level also gradually went down and on the 7th day of fasting it to 7.0. During this first week, Sara was very active, walking in the morning in the park 5-7 km every day. She had a massage every second day. Budapest is famous for its thermal spas, which benefit to treat many health problems. Hence, she visited thermal spa pools, located in the Hotel.
The first fasting week was very successful to Sara, her general condition improved substantially. She dropped 3.5 kg and experienced only minor side effects such as headache, and sleepiness, which often occur in the beginning of fasting. Her pain reduced sufficiently. So we were glad to see how her fasting was going and decided to prolong her water fasting for a second week as planned before.

Being experienced fasting practitioners, we knew that diabetes is a very serious disease and can bring us unpleasant surprises. Something happened on her 12th day of fasting. Sara felt very irritated, had dizziness, vision problems, weakness: typical syndromes of diabetic pre coma conditions. We immediately measured her blood sugar level and it was 3.2. It is interesting, that on this crisis 12th day her blood pressure jumped to 170/110. But blood sugar level was more important for us. Usually for clients, who have no diabetes, it is normal that blood sugar drops to 3.0, even 2.0. Non-diabetic people usually tolerate well such low sugar, as at that time after long fasting period, the main fuel in the body becomes not glucose, but ketone bodies from fat. Even the brain, whose usual energy source is glucose, starts to use ketone bodies as up to 70 percent of source fuel after several days of fasting. So at that stage in the brain, only 30% of energy is from glucose. After about a week of fasting, the whole body metabolism changed dramatically, but in a good direction: the body uses fat as a main source of energy - and most important - uses as a fuel all “wrong” tissue materials, like damaged proteins, week old cells and many other old and damaged tissues. All small tumors are shrinking and use as a fuel firstly.
Patients with advanced diabetes metabolism have no such plasticity as people free from diabetes. So, we have to be very cautious as for a person with diabetes more time is needed, that means more fasting days in order metabolism starts changing in a right direction. That is why we changed our tactic for Sara. We had to go something like “one step back and two steps ahead”. So we decided to break a fast and switch Sara immediately to juice fasting, but in fact her fasting was still continuing, as she got with juices only 200-300 calories a day, and we used mostly vegetable and fruit juices with low content of glucose and sucrose. So, the next morning after she started taking juices her blood sugar was 7.6. On the 14th day it was 6.4, on the 16th day 5.5, on 18th day 4.8 and on the 21th day actually the day of her departure her blood sugar level stabilized at 5.0 that was an ideal value for healthy person. So, did Sara cure diabetes? Obviously, it was a tactical victory over diabetes, but not a strategic victory. The main battle with this disease will be homework for Sara that she will do after coming back home. From now on Sara must change her nutrition style completely according to the recommendations we gave to her. And what about her weight? In 21 days she dropped 9 kg. And blood pressure during her last week dropped again to normal values.

Conclusion. To treat or prevent serious chronic illness, like Diabetes II type, someone have to follow fasting regimes not once, but do it periodically, minimum 2 times a year, or better 3 or even 4 times per year. We name such anti-aging diet regime “Anti-Aging Cyclic Nutrition”.

Selina 2016/05/16 16:33:08
Dear Anti-aging-plan.com consulting team,
Thank you for the great program, my husband is quite happy with it. It has been the 7th day that he started the program. The first 3 days were veget diet, than on Friday he had a complete fasting day. Next day (at noon) he decided to break it. He had only 1 piece of fruit and cc. 0,5kilo vegetables/die for 3 days. This is the first day he had some salmon with salad (fresh spinach and tomato).
He lost 5 kilos and he feels much more energetic, although he is hungry...
He will be on diet for the following 2 weeks.
Thanks again! Best regards. Selina

Robert Bernard 2016/02/20 17:51:10
Paolo, age 22, arrived to Budapest from Italy on January 20 to take part in a 3-week water fasting program. He decided to do a fasting mainly because of frequent panic attacks and sleeplessness as a result of Propecia Withdrawal Syndrome (he had been taking Propecia on a doctor's prescription to deal with hair loss, and withdrawal syndrome had developed in about 3 weeks of using the drug). Based on our advice, he kept a diet during a week before arriving to Budapest: 3 days of healthy eating avoiding red meat, and 4 days on vegetarian dishes. He came with a strong motivation and only had a portion of salad on the day of arrival, in the afternoon. On that day, he also had a medical check up, including an electrocardiogram. We decided to have one week of fasting (0 Cal. per day).
The next day was the first day of fasting. We began with a blood test and then accompanied Paolo to the Szechenyi thermal bath where he could relax for a few hours in pools with different temperature of water and in sauna. In the evening he also met with a personal trainer, and we arranged for two 2-hour meditation and physical training morning sessions per week. We also arranged 5 visits to a fitness center and 5 visits to a massage parlor during the 3-week program. In addition, Paolo got introduced to Margit island's walking path where he could walk or do some jogging.
On the 3rd day of program, after receiving the blood test results, we decided to go on as planned. We also started doing daily blood sugar tests. Paolo's blood sugar dropped to 3.4 in the next days of fasting, and he still felt well, as his metabolism changed and main source of energy became not glucose, but ketone bodies from fat.
The first fasting week turned out successful. Paolo dropped some weight while experiencing only little discomfort such as dizziness at some hours during the day. The second blood test on the 7th day of fasting showed a significant drop in HGH and ICG-1 hormones level - therefore, main aging factors were reduced. HGH level went from 7.51 ng/ml to 0.88 ng/ml, and ICG-1 - from 397 ng/ml to 98.2 ng/ml.
After 7 days of fasting we started refeeding, beginning with vegetable juices (300 cal. a day), adding some fruit juice on the next day (500 cal.), 700 cal. on the 3rd day of refeeding, 1000 cal. on the 4th day, then 1200 cal. and so on. The amount of solid food also increased gradually, beginning with boiled vegetables. During the 3rd week of the program Paolo went on with about 1500 cal. a day already including cottage cheese, fish and chicken meat. We also introduced him to healthy eating possibilities, model diets, and instructions on intermittent fasting, so he may continue using our method as he'd like.

analysis date: 21 January 2014 (before fasting)
Glucose 5.1 mmol/l
HDL-cholesterol 1.36 mmol/l
LDL-cholesterol 2.45 mmol/l
Cholesterol 3.8 mmol/l
Triglicerides 0.51 mmol/l
Insulin 2.9 mIU/l
Testosteron 11,520 nmol/l
HGH 7.51 ng/ml
IGF-1 397 ng/ml

analysis date: 27 January 2014 (7th day of fasting)
Glucose 4 mmol/l
HDL-cholesterol 1.70 mmol/l
LDL-cholesterol 3.28 mmol/l
Cholesterol 5.1 mmol/l
Triglicerides 1.23 mmol/l
Insulin 1.8 mIU/l
Testosteron 15,220 nmol/l
HGH 0.88 ng/ml
IGF-1 98.2 ng/ml

reference range:
Glucose 3.8 - 6 mmol/l
HDL-cholesterol 0.9 - 3.6 mmol/l
LDL-cholesterol 1.1 - 4.14 mmol/l
Cholesterol 2.6 - 5.2 mmol/l
Triglicerides 0.7 - 2.26 mmol/l
Insulin 2.6 - 24.9 mIU/l
Testosteron 11,400 - 27900 nmol/l
HGH 0 - 3 ng/ml
IGF-1 92.7 - 244.6 ng/ml

David Johnson 2016/02/15 04:48:15
Hi All,
If you are thinking about doing any of the programs offered by the team here, I invite you to read the journal (blog) I am writing about my own experiences here.


Carmen Villegas, Madrid 2015/06/12 13:03:04
I was very happy to visit beautiful city Budapest to do my detox anti-aging program this April. I stayed in "Danubius Health Spa Resort Margitsziget hotel", doing my water-fasting program. I was happy to stay in a hotel, located in such beautiful environment. The whole island is a huge green park. There is a 5.5 km jogging road around the island, so I could jogg every other day. Jogging road has a special soft cover, to protect legs and joints from potential injury. Jogging or speed walking is very important while fasting - to keep muscles strong - to avoid decomposition of body proteins during fasting. Therefore, only fat deposits have to melt, but not body muscles!

When I came to Dr. Economo anti-aging program, I was not sure what program I would be following. I had no expectations, just a couple goals to start living healthier. I started on green juice for 2 days, took laxatives and then after my intestine was clean - to complete water fast for 7 days. At the time, I did my fast I was overweight and depressed. The fast was very liberating and I feel it kick started the changes I wanted to make in my life. I still have further to go mentally and physically, but the fast was much like what the literature said it would be: the mind clears, sight and sound are more acute and afterwards one is much more aware of what goes into one's body. No cravings, no unpleasant feelings. Since the fast I have reduced my salt intake and while coffee, alcohol and sweets were never a large part of my diet they have been reduced to almost nothing. I still struggle with some depression and eating for comfort, but that is improving with the use of cognitive behavioral techniques and as the exercise and diet improves.

I forgot to say important thing. There are two thermal spas (each spa consist of many swimming pools with healing natural mineral water with different water temperature). One spa is located on the territory of Hotel and another one 1 km far from hotel ("Palatinus" spa). Thermal waters have additional beneficial effect on our body during following the program.
Thanks everybody for hospitality and attention. I hope to come back to Budapest next year, now with my husband.

Shivani Gupta 2015/04/20 18:00:23
There are so many good things to say about Anti-Aging Fasting methods that it's hard to know where to start. I would like to prefer this program strongly to anyone who wants to learn a new way of experiencing food, and a new way of looking at themselves.
I highly recommend this programe, not only for what they show you, but for the first time in my life I’m feeling good in my body, my immune system & my physical activities. Go, enjoy yourself, immerse yourself and do everything they tell you at least for the time you are there – that will be difficult but beneficial in that you will learn a variety of methods to change a lifetime of what hasn’t worked. And like many other people including myself, you will be changed forever.

Ramona 2014/06/27 20:27:51
What is the price for your program in August 2011 in Croatia?

Amy Thompson 2013/12/09 11:49:23
"My goal was to re-gain my health, and I feel as though I have actually been given my life back; this is said with NO exaggeration! My back pain, sleep disorder, fibromyalgia, high blood-pressure, excess weight and depression are completely gone. I'm 'in love' with life again, and my entire family is delighted. You have been more than wonderful, and were certainly all the support anyone could ever need. At a better time in his life, my husband, who's a businessman, definitely wants to do this, as he has seen what it has done for me."

Arcady 2013/09/19 15:13:45
Tried to fast 1 days - still good

Marie Lerner, May 2009 2013/05/09 11:47:52
"I just arrived back from Croatia this evening - feeling very good. Bobo, Serge and Sandra were really fantastic. I lost 5 kg in 8 days. Makarska fasting retreat is great! Many thanks in advance"

Margaret Westbrooke 2012/02/09 11:48:46
"My prolonged fast introduced me to myself! I now feel so much more knowledgeable about how my body functions and what the optimal method of caring for it is. This was a pleasurable journey. I am so happy to have tried this. I am sure I could not have done it on my own, even if I knew exactly what to do. Fasting in an environment as beautiful and serene as the Adriatic Coast was like going on holiday to the Caribbean only here I actually lost weight! Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing such a service to humanity by supervising fasts for people from all over the world. Keep up the good work!"

Alex 2011/12/09 21:11:38
Hallo alle!
Heilfasten ist cool!
Nach eine Woche ich bin wie neu geboren!

Mark Markovic 2011/11/23 09:47:45
Two-meal diet aids in oldest man's longevity. So what does the world's oldest man eat? The answer is not much, at least not too much. Walter Breuning, who turned 113 on Monday, eats just two meals a day and has done so for the past 35 years. "I think you should push back from the table when you're still hungry," Breuning said. At 5 foot 8, ("I shrunk a little," he admitted) and 125 pounds, Breuning limits himself to a big breakfast and lunch every day and no supper. "I have weighed the same for about 35 years," Breuning said. "Well, that's the way it should be." "You get in the habit of not eating at night, and you realize how good you feel.

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