Anti-Aging Method >> Anti-Aging Plan
Anti-Aging Method

Life extension and
disease treatment through
periodic fasting and
caloric restriction -
the most powerful
scientifically proven
natural anti-aging method

Calculate your BMI
(Body Mass Index)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Your Height: cm
Your Weight: kg
Your BMI:


(presentation of the anti-aging method by Dr. Arcady Economo)

You can achieve a low-calorie lifestyle in two alternative ways:

(a) Regular (continuous) caloric restriction, the same calorie-level every day; or
(b) Periodic total-fasting days, with normal calorie-level on other days.

Which of these two approaches is better?

Although regular caloric restriction has been proved to be an effective life-extending technique, we in fact strongly recommend you to choose the alternative approach (periodic fasting). Below we set out some reasons for this.


If you are serious about achieving optimum results by means of caloric restriction, there are several important reasons to choose the PERIODIC FASTING method rather than simply a constant calorie-level each day.



Fasting: It not only extend the lifespan and have beneficial preventive action, it can also be an effective curative treatment method. While fasting, the whole organism has an opportunity to cure itself, due to an intensification of natural repair processes. Caloric restriction has not been proven to have such powerful curative benefits.



Pleasure of eating: For example, if you are aiming for an 1800 kcal daily average and fasting 100 days per year, then on the other days you do not need to restrict yourself to 1800 kcal a day; you can eat a "normal" 2500 kcal ration of daily meals. (You should of course in any case take care to eat healthy, high-quality food).



Psychological benefits: After the second day of fasting you normally do not feel hunger, whereas, while on a calorie-restricted diet, it is not uncommon to feel hunger every day. With experience, it is much easier to get used to fasting.



Religious aspects: In almost every religion, there are prescribed fasting-days. If you are a believer you can fast in accordance with the religious calendar, and experience the spiritual benefits as well as the physical ones.



Time saving: While on an ordinary caloric-restriction regime you have to spend time eating meals 365 days per year. But with the alternative method you save that time on fast-days. If fasting 100 days per year, you only spend time eating on the remaining 265 days.
To help in implementing your new caloric-restriction lifestyle, below we present some simple practical calculations which we hope will make these ideas more specific. You can use one of these ready-made plans, or develop your own. We just want to help you to get started! We outline 5 basic plans, with variants, for several calorie-intakes (1000 - 1500 kcal/day, average) and with different amounts and durations of fasting (nearly all the plans include fasting days). We recommend plan III as a good starting-point; but you can choose the one which appears most suitable, and then perhaps modify it in the light of experience.


This plan is more suitable for women as the caloric intake is generally too low for males. The program is recommended for disease prevention.

a) Plain regime without fasting: On each of the 365 days of the year your intake is 1000 kcal. Total calories per week: 7000 kcal (7 x 1000 kcal).
Total number of fasting days: 0 per year.
b) Plain regime with 1 fasting day per week: On each "full feeding day" (6 per week) one should take 1167 kcal [7000 / 6].
Total no. of fasting days: 52 per year.
c) Plain regime with 2 fasting days per week: On each "full feeding day" (5 per week) one should take 1400 kcal [7000 / 5].
Total no. of fasting days: 104 per year.


This program is recommended for disease prevention.

a) Plain regime without fasting: Each day (365 days per year) your intake is 1500 kcal. Total calories per week: 10500 kcal [7 x 1500 kcal].
Total no. of fasting days: 0 per year.
b) Plain regime with 1 fasting day per week: On each "full feeding day" (6 per week) one should take 1750 kcal [10500 / 6].
Total no. of fasting days: 52 per year.
c) Plain regime with 2 fasting days per week: On each "full feeding day" (5 per week) one should take 2100 kcal [10500 / 5].
Total no. of fasting days: 104 per year.

III. 1500 kcal/day PLAN WITH MODERATE FASTING (program for one year)

This program is recommended both for disease prevention and disease treatment.

The program comprises 4 cycles per year (Fig. 1).
The length of one cycle is 13 weeks, comprising: 1 "fasting week", 1 "recovery week" and 11 "ordinary weeks").
Total no. of fasting days – 72 per year


"Fasting week" comprises 7 days of 0 kcal; total 0 kcal
Recovery week" comprises 7 days of gradually-increasing caloric intake (see below); total 5200 kcal
"Ordinary week" comprises 6 full-feeding days (2000 kcal/day) plus 1 fasting day (0 kcal). (We suggest Tuesday or Friday for the fasting day.) Total 12000 kcal per week in these weeks.

So total caloric consumption in one 13-week cycle is 137,200 kcal [= 0 + 5200 + (12000 x 11)], and total intake in 1 year is 548,800 kcal [137,200 x 4 cycles]. The average caloric intake over the year is [548,800 / 365] = 1504 kcal/day (approximately 1500 kcal).
Total no. of fasting days: 72 per year [(7 + 11) x 4 cycles].

We suggest choosing this program as a good starting-point. It comprises FOUR FASTING PERIODS PER YEAR (7 + 7 + 7 + 7 days) and this is probably easiest to follow as these form a regular pattern. The fasting periods are evenly distributed within the year (Fig. 1).

As alternative variants, you could choose a program with THREE FASTING PERIODS PER YEAR (7 + 7 + 14 fasting days); or TWO FASTING PERIODS PER YEAR (either 14 + 14 fasting days, or 7 + 21 days).
RECOVERY WEEK (for 1500 kcal/day plan). After the 7 day total fast the recovery period ("recovery week") will also be 7 days. On the first day after the end of the fast (the 8th day after the start of the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 900; on the 6th, 1200; and on the 7th day 1600 kcal. So during these 7 "recovery days" your total intake will be 5200 kcal.

Fig.1 Time pattern of caloric intake for Plan III
(average 1500 kcal/day, moderate fasting program with 4 total-fast weeks per year).
Intake is shown for each day for the whole year.
Total no. of fasting days: 72 per year.

IV. 1100 kcal/day PLAN WITH MODERATE FASTING (program for one year)

This program is highly recommended both for disease prevention and for disease treatment. In most cases it is equally suitable for people with low body-weight.

The program comprises 4 cycles per year. The length of one cycle is 13 weeks (1 "fasting week", 1 "recovery week" and 11 "ordinary weeks".


"Fasting week" comprises 7 days of 0 kcal; total 0 kcal.
Recovery week" comprises 7 days of gradually increasing caloric intake; total 4500 kcal (see below).
Ordinary week" comprises 6 full-feeding days (1450 kcal/day) plus 1 extra fasting day (0 kcal). (We suggest Tuesday or Friday for the fasting day.) Total intake: 8700 kcal per week in these weeks.

Total caloric intake in 1 cycle (13 weeks) is 100,200 kcal [0 + 4500 + (8700 x 11)]. Total intake in 1 year is 400,800 kcal [100,200 x 4 cycles]. Average caloric intake is [400,800 / 365] = 1098 kcal/day (approximately 1100 kcal).
Total no. of fasting days: 72 per year [(7 + 11) x 4 cycles].
RECOVERY WEEK (for 1100 kcal/day plan). After the 7 day total fasting period (0 kcal/daily) the recovery period is also 7 days. On the first day after the end of a 7 day fast (the 8th day after starting the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 800; on the 6th, 1000; and on the 7th day 1200 kcal. So for the 7 days of the "recovery week" your total intake will be 4500 kcal.

V. 1000 kcal/day PLAN WITH CURATIVE FASTING (program for one year)

This program (suitable for both men and women) is highly recommended for treatment of many chronic diseases.

The program comprises 2 cycles per year. The length of one cycle is 26 weeks, containing a total of 3 fasting weeks and 20 "ordinary weeks", as follows:
1 "fasting week" plus 1 "recovery week", then 8 "ordinary weeks"; then 1 "fasting fortnight" plus 1 "recovery fortnight", and finally 12 "ordinary weeks". See Fig. 2.


"Fasting week" and "fasting fortnight" comprise 7 days and 14 days of 0 kcal/day; total 0 kcal.
Recovery week" comprises 7 days of gradually increasing caloric intake (see below); total 5100 kcal.
Recovery fortnight" comprises 14 days of gradually increasing caloric intake (see below); total 10200 kcal.
Ordinary week" comprises 5 full-feeding days (1700 kcal/day) plus 2 extra fasting days (0 kcal). (We suggest Wednesday and Friday for the fasting days.) Total intake 8500 kcal/week in these weeks.

Total caloric consumption in 1 cycle (26 weeks) is 185,300 kcal [0 + 5100 + 0 + 10200 + (8500x20)]. Total intake in 1 year is 370,600 kcal [185,300 x 2 cycles]. Average caloric intake over the year is [370,600 / 365] = 1015 kcal/day (approximately 1000 kcal).
Total no. of fasting days: 122 per year [(7 + 14 + 2x20) x 2 cycles].
RECOVERY PERIODS. After the 7 day fast the recovery period is also 7 days. On the first day after the end of the fast (the 8th day after the start of the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day, 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 900; on the 6th, 1200; and on the 7th day 1500 kcal. So during the 7 days of this "recovery week" your total intake will be 5100 kcal.
After the 14 day fast the recovery period is correspondingly longer, and consists of 14 days with daily intakes of 200 + 200 + 300 + 300 + 400 + 400 + 600 + 600 + 900 + 900 + 1200 + 1200 + 1500 + 1500 kcal. So during this 14 day recovery period your total intake will be 10200 kcal.

Fig.2 Time pattern of caloric intake for Plan V
(average 1000 kcal/day; curative fasting program with 6 total-fast weeks per year).
Intake is shown for each day for the whole year.
Total no. of fasting days: 122 per year
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