Kidney diseases can be prevented and treated by fasting and caloric restriction. Scientific evidence: Calorie restriction in obesity: prevention of kidney disease in rodents. J Nutr. 2001 Mar;131(3):913S-917S. Stern JS, Gades MD, Wheeldon CM, Borchers AT. Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. The incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has risen considerably in the past two decades. This trend is partly due to the alarming rise in the incidence of type 2 diabetes over the same period, which in turn might be linked to the staggering increase in overweight and obesity. If these trends continue, ESRD can be expected not only to cause suffering of ever growing numbers of patients, but also to become an increasing financial as well as logistical burden on the health care system. Therefore, it is imperative not only to gain a better understanding of the molecular, cellular and metabolic mechanisms involved in renal pathology, but also to uncover treatment modalities, including lifestyle changes, that can help prevent and/or slow the progression of kidney pathogenesis. Insights into both of these aspects are provided by animal models of obesity and diabetes. It has long been known that food restriction, more so than restriction of any particular dietary component, can greatly enhance longevity in laboratory rodents. These findings are being extended into a variety of other mammals, including nonhuman primates. These studies have indicated that caloric restriction in nonobese laboratory animals does not primarily affect specific disease processes but rather nonspecifically slows the aging process. In contrast, a growing body of evidence suggests that in genetically obese animals, food restriction can prevent or greatly delay the onset of specific degenerative lesions, in particular glomerulonephritis associated with obesity and diabetes.
Effect of long-term, alternate day feeding on renal function in aging conscious rats. Kidney Int. 1988 Nov;34(5):620-30. Gehrig JJ Jr, Ross J, Jamison RL. Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, California.To examine the renal effects of lifelong intermittent feeding, we performed clearance and pathologic studies in 86 week old, awake male Sprague-Dawley rats fed on alternate days (N = 9) or ad libitum (N = 8) since the age of four weeks. Alternate day-fed rats were studied on both feeding and fasting days, and the values averaged. In the alternate day group the clearance s of inulin (Cinulin) and PAH (CPAH), factored by body wt, were higher by 23% and 27%, respectively (P less than 0.05); albumin excretion (UalbV) was two orders of magnitude lower (P less than 0.001) and the percentage of glomeruli with lesions was eightfold lower (P less than 0.02) than in the ad libitum-fed group. The fractional clearances of neutral dextrans ranging in radii from 20 A to 42 A did not differ between the two groups. Compared to a previously published study of 30 week old, alternate day-fed rats, values for Cinulin and CPAH were similar while UalbV was higher (P less than 0.025) in the 86 week old alternate day-fed rats. Cinulin, however, was lower (P less than 0.005) while UalbV was much higher (P less than 0.001) in 86 week old, ad libitum-fed rats than in 30 week old, ad libitum-fed rats. The results indicate that long-term alternate day feeding preserves glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow (RPF), while glomerular permselectivity is not completely preserved, as evidenced by an increase in microalbuminuria in aging awake male rats. Conversely, ad libitum feeding results in a significant decline in GFR and probably in RPF, in association with massive albuminuria and segmental glomerular sclerosis. Influence of fasting on the immunological reactions and course of acute glomerulonephritis. Lancet. 1958 Apr 12;1(7024):760-3. Brod J, Pavkova L, Fencl V, Hejl Z, Kratkova E.
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