toxicosis, poisoning >> Anti-Aging Plan
toxicosis, poisoning

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Poisoning, Toxicology. Elimination by fasting and caloric restriction.

A trial of fasting cure for PCB-poisoned patients in Taiwan.
Prog Clin Biol Res. 1984;137:147-53.
Imamura M, Tung TC.
Sixteen patients poisoned by ingestion of a rice oil contaminated with polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in Taiwan voluntarily joined a trial of fasting cure for either seven or ten days approximately 26 or 35 months after being poisoned. During fasting, mixed juice made of fresh vegetables and fruits and milk or " tohnyu ," that is, boiled soybean juice, were given on a fixed schedule. All these patients showed improvements of their symptoms and signs caused by the poisoning. Some of them enjoyed a dramatic relief of their sufferings such as severe headache, lumbago, arthralgia, pain at the sole, cough, sputa, and/or acneiform eruptions. The eruptions forming abscesses or cysts were, however, hard to cure. Thus, the fasting cure was demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of the patients. PCB concentrations in blood were rather elevated during and after the fasting.

Tag Cloud: their, patients, longevity science., fasting, relief, pcb, sufferings, toxines, after, headache, polychlorobiphenyls, juice, lumbago, trial, eruptions, Taiwan, secrets of longevity, poisoning, severe, toxicology, elevated, toxicosis, poisoned

toxicology, polychlorobiphenyls, pcb, poisoning, toxicosis, toxines, fasting, patients, Taiwan, poisoned, juice, their, after, eruptions, trial, sufferings, relief, severe, elevated, lumbago, headache, secrets of longevity, longevity science.

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