Life extension and
disease treatment through
periodic fasting and
caloric restriction -
the most powerful
scientifically proven
natural anti-aging method

Calculate your BMI
(Body Mass Index)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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Your Weight: kg
Your BMI:

The history:

On this page you will learn more about us and the breakthrough scientifically proven treatments that we have available: 
-The method of “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting” (CF-method) and history of its creation
-How gerontology may extend your healthy lifespan, today
-Interesting facts about some gerontologists and what are the most efficient anti-aging methods

Do we know the most efficient and scientifically proven method of increasing your lifespan available today? Sure we do. This method of is based on caloric restriction (CR) or cyclic fasting (CF).

Evidence that mammalian longevity could be increased, first emerged in 1935 in a rodent study showing that caloric restriction (CR) without malnutrition, extended the average and maximum lifespan while also delaying the onset of the majority of age-associated pathologies. Nowadays CR and IF are widely viewed as a scientific model that has provided immense insights into reversing the aging processes. Using these main paradigm CR and CR, we developed a highly efficient anti-aging method, described on this website in details. We name this method “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting” (CF-method). The creator of this anti-aging method is Dr. Arcady Economo. With CF method the following dramatic changes will be seen:

-Significant slowing of aging and rejuvenation of your body
-Unparalleled preservation of mental and physical functions as well as appearance 
-Substantially reduced risks of virtually all the age related diseases including, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's and many others. 

Before revealing you all our secrets of how we will extend your lifespan (up to 40%), we have to tell you a brief history of the creation of the CF-method and its scientific background. Also the scientific fate of some distinguished scientists (gerontologists) will be presented here. Also we will show you spectacular resorts, located geographically in Europe, where we implement successfully our method and our treatments in practice. Our main objective was to develop method of human life extension. This method is based on theoretical and practical researches in gerontology and related sciences, using data which has been accumulated over the past 80 years. CF method slows down aging by means of a cyclic nutritional regime, which provides an opportunity to significantly extend the human life span. According to anti-aging experts, scientists, specialists in CR and CF the result depends on how young you started follow cyclic fasting program:

If you start at the age of 20 - 25 years your lifespan will increase by 35-40 years

If you start at the age of 30 - 35 years your lifespan will increase by 30-35 years 

If you start at the age of 40 - 45 years your lifespan will increase by 25-30 years 

If you start at the age of 50 - 55 years your lifespan will increase by 20-25 years 

If you start at the age of 60 - 65 years your lifespan will increase by 15-20 years 

If you start at the age of 70 - 75 years your lifespan will increase by 10-15 years

As we already mentioned above CF method also has a strong healing and rejuvenating effect. 

The main principles of CF method combine two extremely successful, proven approaches in experimental and clinical gerontology. The first approach is “cyclic fasting” (CF), and the second is “calorie restriction” (CR). The first approach takes its source from the data that showed the importance of fasting for optimal health and the second approach is based on a well-known calorie restriction paradigm in gerontology.

Gerontologists who inspired Dr. Economo to develop Cyclic Fasting method

Let’s coming back to the very beginning of our story. Dr. Economo earned his master's degree in Chemistry from Moscow State University in the former Soviet Union. After graduating, Dr. A. Economo began working at the Institute of Pharmacology in Moscow. At that time, his research focused on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of various psychotropic drugs. Dr. Economo (known in Russia as Arkady Lvovich Ekonomov) was one of the inventors of the famous original tranquilizer “phenazepam” (this drug became very popular in the USSR and later in Russia). In 1982, Dr. Economo earned his Ph.D. in biology and pharmacology and became more interested in gerontology research. The ‘80s were a time of supreme optimism – it seemed feasible to invent medicines against any disease, even against age itself. The race was on; a great number of scientists were looking for the “elixir of life.” 

Dr. Economo entered into this race filled with energy of his youth. Step by step, it became obvious that new approaches and ideas were needed to boost gerontology to its ultimate goal: putting a stop to aging. Scientists gradually realized that unprecedented challenges require unprecedented approaches to find a solution. Looking for “elixirs of life” may be not the right direction at all. Dr. Economo worked at the laboratory of psycho-pharmacology during the 1980s when he was actively researching a “wonder anti-aging pill.” The laboratory was located in the “Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry” which also housed a psychiatric clinic. 

Ю. С. Николаев

Dr. Yurij Nikolaev
At the time Dr. Economo was working in the lab, the legendary professor Yurij Nikolaev, was trying to find a cure for some of the most serious psychiatric diseases. By means of simple fasting, Dr. Nikolaev was able to cure many different psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia. Dr. Economo often visited Nikolaev and discussed with him and his colleagues his “strange” new method – one that showed the real wonder of medicine – and how this natural process was more effective than any drug at combating many psychiatric diseases. Step by step it becomes clear that fasting generated rejuvenation and healing processes not only on mental level but in other human tissues, systems and organs. Naturally, the gerontologists at the facility began to consider Nikolaev’s “fasting method” and its relationship to the aging process. But because Dr. Nikolaev’s method was unheard of at the time, some scientists at the facility regarded his fasting technique as “barbaric experiments on humans.” Only the director’s strong backing protected Dr. Nikolaev and allowed him to continue his experiments. It eventually became Dr. Nikolaev who, through an extension of his original method, was able to find a cure for many somatic diseases as well such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and more, demonstrating the universal efficiency of fasting as a treatment method. All these fantastic results influenced the young Dr. Economo greatly but it wasn’t until much later that Dr. Economo decided to use Nikolaev’s fasting paradigm in anti-aging methods. Nikolaev’s research was taken into account and became an essential part of the “Anti-Aging Cycle Fasting” method.

Basic therapeutic fasting can be traced back to ancient times. The positive effects of periodic fasting were well-known by physicians and philosophers of ancient Greece, Middle East, India and Tibet. Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato fasted for health reasons and in order to stay sharp-minded. They believed that while fasting, their brains were hyper-productive. Hippocrates and Avicenna (Ibn-Sina) recommended fasting as a core curative method to their numerous patients. Another reason periodic fasting is common in everyday life is because of religious beliefs. Many religions practice fasting and have special days and weeks when they abstain from eating anything or follow a very strict low-calorie diet. These religions teach their followers the process of cleansing their bodies physically and spiritually through fasting.

Comprehensive scientific analysis of fasting as a highly-efficient method for treating disease started just recently in the 20th century. Today, therapeutic fasting is applied in hospitals and institutes across Europe (such as Büchenger’s, the famous fasting clinic in Germany) and many other parts of the world. It is also important to mention the fundamental studies about the health benefits of fasting conducted by Dr. Paul Bragg and Herbert Shelton and, of course, Yurij Nikolaev.

Let’s return to Dr. Economo’s story. Since 1990 he started working at the Russian State Medical University, where together with its director – Professor Vladimir Yarigin, he organized the Anti-Aging Center (AAC). This center explored the theoretical and practical aspects of gerontology. The theoretical aspect was based on influences of another outstanding gerontologist: L. Gavrilov. Dr. Economo used Gavriolov’s theories to conduct a thorough analysis of statistical data of human mortality in various countries. He looked for differences in the mortality age dynamic, and tried to determine the cause of these differences. Dr. Economo published a series of scientific papers about mortality statistics. (See his scientific publications at  Look for: Ekonomov AL 

As for the practical application, the AAC was working tirelessly, determined to create a different anti-aging nutrition regime. This later became widely used for treating patients primarily suffering from obesity, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases. For each patient, low-calorie diets were developed taking into account each individual’s particular health problems. Computer programs were used to create and balance individual diets. During those years, the AAC prescribed anti-aging individually adjusted nutritional programs to thousands of patients. The patients of the Anti-Aging Group successfully lost weight, while more importantly, defeated many chronic diseases. For Dr. A. Economo, the 1990s were the years of seeking the foundation on which the successful future of gerontology would be constructed. Completely different ideas, directions, and approaches in gerontology were tested and analyzed, both theoretically as well as practically. The ultimate goal was to construct an efficient, reproductable and simple method for fighting aging and age-related diseases.

Л. А. Гаврилов
L. Gavrilov
Here we would like to say several words about outstanding gerontologist, Leonid Gavrilov, who at that time had great influence on Dr. Economo. Dr. A. Gavrilov mentored Dr. Economo and helped him avoid the basic mistakes that usually stunted the progress of new scientists in gerontology. This guidance significantly aided Dr. Economo’s speedy ascent to the forefront of ground-breaking gerontological research.
As they both were students of Moscow University at the same time, they could meet often to discuss their ideas. They were regular visitors and lecturers at the seminars at the Moscow Society of Gerontology, a forum for discussion of diverse and sometimes extreme theories, about aging and methods of life extension. Gavrilov had already been a practicing gerontologist by that time. He started his gerontological research during the first years of studying at Moscow University. He spent all his energy studying a very narrow part of gerontology and demography – mortality statistics. He analyzed different aspects of mortality rates and disease statistics in populations of different countries around the world. He found and confirmed a number of regularities. In particular he showed on a wide statistical basis, that aging is not a linear but an exponential process. That means that the probability of death grows geometrically and doubles every 7-8 years. This leads to a 100 percent probability of death at the age of about 120 years. Using mathematical models he proved that almost all types of animals and human beings age in the same manner from a statistical point-of-view. Age related mortality growth and mechanisms of aging seem to be the same in nearly all living systems. Gavrilov was one of the first who successfully applied mathematical models to the theory of reliability in gerontology.

Being strongly influenced by Gavrilov’s ideas, Dr. Economo devoted several years of his scientific life analyzing variables of mortality. In particular, he studied mortality in different states of the USA, analyzing American life expectancy tables of different years of the 20th century. The purpose of his research was to find conclusive fundamental factors that he believed are hidden behind differences of mortality in different populations and groups of people. At first the research of exploring mortality statistics and constructing various mathematical models of mortality and aging was very interesting, but he gradually came to recognize that the studying of mortality statistics leads to a dead-end. Actually rates of differences in overall mortality in various regions and different countries were not so big and can be the result of statistics and demography tricks and mistakes, rather than differences in some basic fundamental factors. Finally, Dr. Economo made the decision to break away from this direction in gerontology and return to the nutritional paradigm as the primary anti-aging method.

Today, L. Gavrilov is living and working in the USA as a scientific consultant to the Center on Aging at the University of Chicago. He has written several books, the most famous being “Biology of Lifespan.” L. Gavrilov successfully continues to develop new theoretical approaches in gerontology, based on expanded demographical data of mortality in human populations, and has become increasingly more grounded in statistics, demography and the theory of reliability. Demography, due to its role in politics, will always have the backing and financial support of politicians to encourage new studies. But if we can be honest to gerontology, which is not quite the “golden child”, that demography is, we will realize that there were other revolutionary discoveries (with really strong effects) made in gerontology in 20th century and first decade of 21st century, which are worth studying. 

Using demography to study the aging process can only reveal weak differences or factors, that affect the process. Statistical differences of overall mortality between countries and different populations are not very great at all. That is why it is not correct to make fundamental conclusions and generalizations based on the “weak” differences that demography studies.  On the other hand the results of demographic studies are easier to popularize among the general public and it can even be an effective instrument of various manipulations on public opinion. A lot of interesting speculations can be derived based upon demographical differences. 
If we go back from manipulations and speculations to real science we have to say that gerontologists must study primarily, strong effects (differences) like differences in the life spans between different species, differences in lifespan of “knockout” (gene mutant) animals compared with controls and differences in the rate of aging depending on how many calories one intakes daily.

That is why Dr. Economo decided to turn his attention solely in the directions of gerontology with observed strong effects on the rate of aging and life expectancy. Therefore, in the early 1990s he began to analyze one of the strongest anti-aging effects known at that time – calorie restriction. This calorie restriction paradigm gave rise to one of the two fundamental components of the future developed “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting” method. 
Clive M. McCay
The calorie restriction (CR) paradigm is not new in gerontology. Eighty years ago, an American scientist from Cornell University, Dr. Clive M. McCay, extended a rat's life span using specially-tailored, calorie-restricted diets. The average life span was increased by 50 percent, from 3 years to 4.5 years. Moreover, the researchers discovered that the diets not only extended the rat's life span, but also stabilized mental functioning and physical fitness. As a result of these studies, the same experiments were carried out on nematodes, guinea pigs, fish, mice, dogs and many single-celled organisms. In all of these species, researchers observed that calorie restriction had a life-extending effect. One of the best outcomes of calorie-restricted diets was the delayed development of diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, heart diseases, and diabetes mellitus, among others.

Just over twenty years ago, similar experiments on monkeys (our closest biological kin), were started. Research began in two US centers at about the same time. The first project started in 1987, under the leadership of Dr. George S. Roth of the National Institute of Aging. Tests on rhesus monkeys (average life span is 35 years) and squirrel monkeys (life span is approximately 20 years) were carried out at the National Institute of Aging. The second project on rhesus monkeys began in 1989 by a group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Richard Weindruch, William B.Ershler, Joseph W.Kemnitz and Ellen B. Roecker). In both cases, the experimental group of monkeys' calorie consumption was decreased by 30 percent in comparison with those in the control group. The tests have been going on for twenty years, and the results of the research show that monkeys following the calorie-restricted diet are much healthier, more active and function better. All indicators show that monkeys react to the diet in the same way as rats. Bio-markers of aging (there are about one hundred such indicators), such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood-sugar levels, all look better in the reduced-calorie group. In 2009 the first data regarding mortality rates started to appear. Not surprisingly, mortality was much higher in the control group, which had unlimited access to food, compared with the other calorie-restricted animals.

Roy L. Walford
Roy L. Walford
Nowadays a lot of clinical studies showed that CR decreased overall mortality substantially in the same manner as in animal experiments. Despite huge evidence accumulated today that CR “works” not only in rodents but also in human still frequently asked questions number one is “Can we expect a similar life-prolonging effect in human beings as we observed in rodents?” Outstanding scientist, gerontologist Dr. Roy Walford, one of the leading experts and specialists in caloric restriction, wrote a book entitled, “Beyond the 120 year diet: How to double your Vital Years”. In this book Dr. Walford answered: We won't know absolutely until a cohort of CR dieters lives to be over 120, but the order of probability is now close to being overwhelming, that the CR diet will extend maximum life span in humans just as it does in all animals species so far tested. We are dealing with the question of “translatability“. What is the probability that a phenomenon observed in animals can be translated to humans? Fertilization, growth, development, and aging are basically much the same across all large species. Nobody doubts that most animals – for example, mice, rats, horses, chimpanzees, and humans – age by similar mechanisms.  Any general process that slows the aging in one such species should do so in another. The fact that it induces the same physiologic changes in all species of mammals so far tested further reinforces the likelihood of life extension for humans. Most gerontologists, although perhaps not quite all agree that CR will extend maximum human life span. I am aware, however, that some scientists have adopted a “wait and see” attitude. Of course, if they wait that long and don't do it themselves, they will not be alive to see.“  

Almost 30 years on the Internet a Calorie Restriction Society (CR Society) unite people who voluntary follow CR life style taking daily with food only 1000-1300 Calories. All of them state that CR bring them a lot of health benefits.  
Actually the CR dieting method described by Dr. Walford is very similar to our method but has very important difference; our method has the ability to rejuvenate, pushing back the aging precesses while Dr. Walford advises just plane caloric restriction leading to degreasing of aging rate, but not to stop the aging for some period of time at all, like we do in our CF method. 

During the 1970s through the 1990s Dr. Walford, together with Dr. Richard Weindruch, conducted many decisive studies, which proved that caloric restriction extended lifespan more strongly and efficiently than any other known factor or method. It is very important to note that the quality of life in these calorie-restricted animals and humans was also greatly increased. You can view Dr. Walford’s talk about the calorie restriction method here.

А. Economo
Now go back to the beginning of the 1990s. In 1991, after the collapse and disintegration of the Soviet Union, it seemed to be almost impossible to continue scientific research in Russia because major scientists moved to business, emigrated. Science became almost dead. So, Dr. Economo decided to move himself and his group to a very quiet and stable country in central Europe – Hungary. In 1993, Dr. Economo established a company in Budapest called the “Anti-Aging Center”, which was the successor of the Moscow Anti-Aging Center. In the middle of the 1990s, the Anti-Aging Center in Budapest started making rapid advances, adapting more and more on the practical aspects of gerontology rather than the theoretical side.
In the beginning of the 2000s, the “Anti-Aging Center” started issuing a popular health magazine called “Natural Elixir” (in English) or “Натуральный Эликсир” (in Russian). Different anti-aging aspects were discussed in this magazine. Finally, in connection with the fast development of the Internet, printed versions were replaced by a network of websites. Some examples of those that were started by the Anti-Aging Center are listed here:

Final version of Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting method was approved and launched in practice in middle of 00s. 

Now we will tell you about geographical destinations, where we run anti-aging programs.

Destination N 1 – Hungary

Margit Island Glades thermal spa cinder track
Budapest is a very beautiful and energetic city. The fact that Budapest lies on top of natural thermal springs, offering great therapeutic advantages, is a unique contribution to the success of the programs conducted by the Anti-Aging Center. It aids the anti-aging therapy, improvement of health conditions and rehabilitation of the clients. Almost all patients visit these spa baths in Budapest during the course of their anti-aging nutritional program.

Beginning in the 2000s, the Anti-Aging Center extended its geographical area of activity, and started to conduct similar anti-aging programs in Croatia as well. This gives the clients the option to choose between two amazing regions based on their individual tastes.

The preferences of the guests to choose their destination for the anti-aging program depends on their taste or bias. The clients often make decisions subjectively and spontaneously. 

Destination N 2 – Croatia.

This destination becomes more and more popular due to its warm and crystal clear Adriatic-sea waters. Anti-aging programs are conducted there in the famous Оpatija resort, which was the main resort of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 19th century and in Makarska. Opatija is unique with its mild climate, practically without winds and the dense vegetation because of its high humidity, makes Opatija different from southern regions of Croatia. Opatija has rich cultural traditions as well complete with a lot of beautiful villas and other detached houses that were built in the 19th century by Austrians. We must mention also the friendliness and politeness of the local population, the wonderful markets and the Mediterranean cuisine that is rich in seafood.

It is also worth mentioning the breathtaking Langomare promenade, a narrow 20 km pathway that meanders parallel to the sea above cliffs and bays – a wonderful opportunity to take a walk or jog in the fresh sea air. Such activities are always included in our anti-aging programs. One important factor favoring the location of the anti-aging programs in Croatia is the newly built motorway between Opatija and Budapest. You can travel from Budapest to Opatija in 6-7 hours by car.  There are also railway and bus connections between the two towns. This enables us to combine a diverse program for those guests who wish to spend a week in Budapest in spa baths and a week in Opatija near the sea. Another important part of the program in Opatija, is visiting covered swimming pools with heated seawater in the Thalassotherapy spa center. This spa center makes it possible to conduct anti-aging programs and therapeutic fasting even in the winter or spring months when it’s too cold to bathe in the sea.

Apart from Opatija there is another beautiful region on the coast of Croatia, where guests can opt to join us for the program. It is Makarska, a small and beautiful village on the Makarska Riviera, which lies 70 km to the south of Split, the climate is warmer than in Opatija, it rarely rains, and the 2 km high mountain is a gorgeous view near the small town. This is a picturesque peninsula.


In the very near future the Anti-Aging Center is planning to extend the geographical area of its programs. The newest destinations will include: Cyprus and France.

Anti-Aging Life Style

Today the world unquestionably begins a new epoch – an epoch of the postmodern, an epoch of revolutionary scientific breakthroughs. This is the century of information technology and nano-technology. Time is being squeezed and accelerated at the same time. People become more and more transient and independent. Modern humans travel a lot and don’t want to live and work in one place for too long – they want to see more places and experience as much as possible. As the internet appeared and has been spreading throughout the world, people are ready and able to work online from any place of the world as long as they have a laptop in their hands.

We have taken into account this new lifestyle and it is one of the distinctive characteristics of our method – mobility and geographical flexibility. Our anti-aging "Cyclic Fasting" programs are not planted forever in one place. We are not a brick and mortar clinic as other retreats are. Now, our modern guests are not obliged to stick to one geographic location or stay in an expensive hospital, clinic, or closed retreat and spend all their time in one place. We do not need a clinic with a lot of personnel and expensive equipment. Another feature of our program is that we don’t take seriously sick patients confined to a bed, or to a wheel-chair, neither do we accept very old people, 80+. We encourage relatively healthy people, often middle aged or young people who want to change their unhealthy lifestyle to join, get cleaned of contaminants in their body and start a new life without diseases and untimely aging. Clients who apply our method do not spend 24 hours in a confined facility, but they live freely as average tourists on holiday - in hotels or apartments depending on their desires or financial abilities.

To make this program, based on the anti-aging "Cyclic Fasting" method a reality in a chosen destination, we needed only a few necessary things, to have at hand one or two highly-qualified, open-minded medical doctors, experienced nutritionist, a trained masseur, a psychologist or assistant with an optimistic view on life, and finally a good cook who can prepare tasty anti-aging dishes made strictly to our specifications. Basic diagnostic apparatuses are important in some cases: ultrasound, EKG machine, colon hydrotherapy machine and some others. 
Concerning the geographical destinations of the programs – this is up to our guests.  
We are prepared to offer a variety of options. Our only requirements are that the place is beautiful, comfortable, safe and able to save patients from too much stress and complication. 

Present Anti-Aging developments

In this part we would like to talk about some other currently fast-developing directions in modern gerontology. It’s very important not to be backward-looking, but always be aware of new discoveries, in order to be able to use the newest scientific results and apply them in our practice.

At what stage of development is the modern state of gerontology today, at the middle of the second decade of the 21st century? The human genome has been completely decoded technology has become available to grow multi-potential cells from skin cells, so scientists can grow any bodily tissues that ultimately can go to replacing any dysfunctional or aged organ or tissue. Highly-efficient methods for early diagnosis of many types of cancers and other terminal chronic diseases have been developed. Completely artificial organs and tissues are being elaborated and implemented with advances in the technology of implantation of such organs is always improving. 

Many new discoveries and new possibilities in gerontology and pharmacology appeared during the last decade. Although the discovery of a pill to stop aging is still far from reality, modern pharmacology now works more precisely, inventing ever-newer drugs that act much more selectively and stronger. You can read in details about all these new discoveries on the corresponding pages of our site in the theoretical section: “Anti-Aging Forces”. 

In the last decades there has been a technological revolution in molecular biology that gives unprecedented opportunities for analyzing the connections between different genes and aging. Genes defining individual differences in characteristics of the aging process were found. There are thousands of such genes. Fast and cheap screening of the individual genome of people became possible. Differences between those genes in different people have helped us understand at what age a person becomes grey or bald and whether he is going to have osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration or other diseases connected to aging.   

Since the mid-1990s, studies have generated evidence that a single gene change can radically extend the life span of mice. It was first shown by Andrzej Bartke of Southern Illinois University that adult Ames dwarf mice (which are one-third the weight of normal Ames mice) live much longer than their normal counterparts.) Then a comparable extension in life span was detected in Snell dwarf mice by Kevin Flurkey of The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine and Richard A. Miller of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The life spans of these mice were extended by 40 percent to 70 percent!

These mouse models have a single mutation-at the Prop-1 locus in Ames dwarf mice and the Pit-1 locus in Snell dwarf mice-which interferes with anterior pituitary development, which causes deficiencies in growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). It has been found that the deficiency of PRL is probably not involved in extending the life span of these mice, that the deficiency of TSH may be involved to a small degree, but that the deficiency of GH (and insulin-like growth factor-1, which is made in response to GH) may be a primary reason these mice live so much longer. One finding suggests that the mice, who cannot respond to growth hormone because their GH receptor gene has been knocked out, live up to 55 percent longer than normal mice. In the last few years a huge amount of studies with such mutations have appeared. Their number is already well in excess of 100 and has continued to rise.

It was shown that the new discoveries were comparable in strength to calorie-restriction, and thus a new "strong effect" emerged in gerontology. Does it mean that the method of fasting and calorie restriction is no longer viable and we should just wait for someone to come, adjust our genes and then we will live much longer without practicing fasting and caloric restriction?

It’s too early to answer this question for sure, although the results of such gene mutation experiments are impressive. But to tell the truth, it must be said a majority of such life-extending mutations cause unhealthy conditions in experimental animals (for example, infertility, dwarfism and other defects).  That means that the “quality of life”, if we can apply this term to animals, for these mutants usually decreases.
Scientific researchers in this field have just started and it’s not clear how to apply this knowledge and these methods to humans to increase the health and quality of the human life span. There are many more questions here than answers. We suppose, at least 20-30 years might pass before a real alternative to our method will appear on the horizon – a real  alternative, which can compete with the “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting” method in aspects such as simplicity, safety, affordability, which guarantees 30-40 percent life extension and a markedly higher quality of life. 

There is another piece of interesting data recently obtained by Bartke A, Mattison JA and others. When knockout Ames dwarf mice (which live 50 percent longer than normal mice because of their mutations) are placed on a calorie-restrictive diet, their lifespan is extended another 25 percent. These mutant mice who are also on calorie-restricted diets, live an average of 75 percent longer than mice that are without mutations and without calorie restriction. This means that these two “strong factors” in gerontology work together to create a synergistic effect. If in the future a safety method for qualitative human life extension, based on targeted gene mutations is developed, the usage of anti-aging "Cyclic Fasting" method in addition to gene mutations will strengthen its effect. Therefore, this method will not be replaced by the gene mutation method. Certainly, gerontologists must attentively monitor all gene mutation studies and be ready to use any breakthrough discoveries in gerontological practice. Certainly, a time will come – maybe in 40-70 years - when it will be quite possible to improve human body nature, making people superhuman, and finally increase active human lifespan by many times.

But what do we all do now? Shall we continue to wait for the new discoveries without changing our current lifestyle? This is a rhetorical question. Most of us will not be alive when this happens if they don’t start using the method we already have at hand, and which really works in practice. This method is based on the studies of two famous scientists – Russian doctor Jurij Nikolaev and American scientist Roy L. Walford.

А. Economo,  “Anti-Aging Conference”, 
London 2007
Our modest contribution to gerontology is only that we combined two approaches of these two outstanding researchers in one logically complete method. This method “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting” has been tested many times in practice and proven to be very efficient. It is becoming more commonly implemented in every-day human life. 
This “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fastsing method in its final version was presented in 2007 by Dr. Arcady Economo in London in the annual “Anti-Aging Conference” in the Royal Society of Medicine of London, where he received wide recognition among gerontologists. 

Although CF method had been proved to be the most efficient and powerful anti-aging method available today, there are another three proven anti-aging methods which must be supplemented to Cyclic Fasting. These methods are:

-Regular physical activities: aerobic, anaerobic, stretching etc.
-Taking proven anti-aging they medication 
-The use of high-tech bio-medical achievements

So, finally our Anti-Aging Plan contains four basic elements: 
-CF method
-Anti-aging drugs
-Hi-tech bioscience  

Stay young and healthy, 
Anti-Aging Center: Hungary, Croatia, Cyprus, France, 2016-2017 
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