Thrombophlebitis >> Anti-Aging Plan

Erhöhung der Lebenserwartung und Krankheitsbehandlung mit Hilfe von regelmäßigem Fasten und Kalorienreduzierung - der wirksamste wissenschaftlich geprüfte natürliche Anti-Aging Plan

Calculate your BMI
(Body Mass Index)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Your Height: cm
Your Weight: kg
Your BMI:


Thrombophlebitis kann durch Fasten und Kalorienreduzierung behandelt werden

Metabolic hazards of fasting
T Lawlor, and DG Wells
Am J Clin Nutr. 1969 Aug;22(8):1142-9
Increased fibrinolysis during fasting may account for the dramatic improvement and feeling of well-being in patients suffering from thrombophlebitis (caused by clots in the blood vessels in the legs) who are fasting to treat obesity.


Tag Cloud: lifespanwater fasting weight lossobesityanti aging plan.blood vessels,caloric restrictionHungaryfasting juiceaging planCroatiaBudapest,thrombophlebitislegsfastinganti-agingcalorie restrictionjuice fasting,fibrinolysisweight losslife extensionantiagingcalorie restriction societywater fasting


thrombophlebitis, fibrinolysis, blood vessels, legs, obesity, life extension, lifespan, fasting, Croatia, Hungary, Budapest, weight loss, juice fasting, water fasting, water fasting weight loss, fasting juice, antiaging, anti-aging, caloric restriction, calorie restriction, calorie restriction society

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