There are several classes of supplements: antioxidants, phytochemicals, hormones and fatty acids. Antioxidants are by far the most potent anti-aging agents. The theory of free radicals and free radical scavengers (substances which break the chain of free radicals and disperse it) was developed as the most plausible theory of aging. Yet so far it has not been clearly proven that supplementation with antioxidants alone retards aging, so this theory can still be questioned. It is certain that taking antioxidants result in longer life and lower incidence of disease, but results have not shown the life expectancy barrier to rise. What is known is that antioxidants decrease disease susceptibility and must certainly be part of a healthy anti-aging diet.
There is little doubt that supplements have various health benefits, but before deciding on the right combination of them, it is strongly recommended to undertake some research as to what has proved itself advantageous and what is only speculated upon. The calorie restriction method of anti-aging is certain to break the maximum lifespan barrier, but it has not become very popularised. This is why a lot of work has been put throughout history into finding the right anti-aging supplement, a so called “elixir of life”.
Most evidence about supplements’ benefits is epidemiological and comes from a certain repeatedly observed situation. For example, it has been observed that a diet with a high intake of fruit results in less incidence of cardiovascular disease. Once there is an observation, scientists start by guessing which substance in fruits is responsible for this effect, isolating it and conducting numerous tests on it. First any substance is tested on animals and if the results are encouraging, a prospective human study may be conducted. However, it has become recognized that protective effects of fruit and vegetables occur at an intake in the range of two or threefold of the RDA amount.
The three antioxidants which are best known for their activity are Vitamins E and C and lipoic acid. Vitamin E is the most significant fat-soluble, chain-breaking antioxidant in human blood. Larger than RDA doses of vitamin E increase immune response and resistance to infection. It also exerts cancer-inhibiting effects and protects from toxic chemical agents (mercury, lead, ozone). A human diet should be supplemented with around 300 IU of vitamin E. Vitamin C, the primary water-soluble antioxidant obtained from food, is essential for many body functions, such as brain metabolism, carnitine synthesis and manufacturing connective tissue. Vitamin C is an effective scavenger of free radicals and protects against LDL cholesterol, but in some cases it might act as a pro-oxidant, a function which is counteracted by Vitamin E. It is very important that these vitamins should be supplemented together.
Vitamin C has proven beneficial in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and immune enhancement. Around 500 mg of the ester form of the substance should be taken between meals. The third important antioxidant is alpha-lipoic acid, which is both water and fat soluble. It plays a role in glucose metabolism, lowers oxidative stress and has shown to reverse age-related decline in mitochondrial functions. More studies are needed to determine lipoic acid’s health benefits and role in life extension, but for now it is best to take 120 mg daily.
Phytochemicals are plant-derived chemicals, divided into six groups; their most potent activity is prevention of cancer. Flavonoids are poorly soluble compounds which comprise the yellow and red/blue pigments in fruits and vegetables. They have shown antioxidant properties connected to those of vitamin C, as well as anticancer activity. PhytoEstrogensare plant substances of different kinds (isoflavones, lignans) that have an estrogenic effect in the body, which are present largely in soy products and flax seed. There is evidence that they possess inhibitory properties to prostate, breast and colon cancer, as well asosteoporosis. Isothiocyanates are present in cruciferous vegetables and inhibit experimental cancer development by detoxifying the carcinogen and eliminating it; their benefits are mainly recognized in gastrointestinal and respiratory tract tumors. Diallylsulfides, present in garlic, onion, leeks and chives, have shown to reduce proliferation of cancer cells, particularly cancer of the stomach and colon. Carotenes, responsible for the green and yellow-red colors of flowers and vegetables, are hydrophobic substances whose antioxidant functions are in quenching the free radical known as singlet oxygen. Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lycopene are the strongest antioxidants, which are also active in the prevention of certain types of cancer and macular degeneration of the eye.
Selenium is an element, component of one of the body’s natural antioxidant enzymes, glutathione, as well as a metabolic antagonist to mercury, lead, calcium and arsenic.Selenium acts to encourage the apoptosis of cancer cells and thus high selenium intake is associated with lower cancer susceptibility. 200 mcg. daily should be supplemented to achieve a cancer inhibitory effect. The B-vitamins, in particular B5. B6, B12 and Folic acid, are associated with lowering the levels of homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease. Vitamin B5 is central to the energy-yielding oxidation of glucose products and it also enhances the ability to withstand stress.Coenzyme Q-10, which acts like a vitamin, plays a critical role in the respiratory chain providing energy, as well as possessing antioxidant properties. Much controversial research has been conducted on this substance, with different results, but it is suggested that CoQ10 is beneficial in the treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative disorders. Carnitine is a transport chemical required for the passage of fatty acids across cell membranes. Meat and diary products are major sources of carnitine which, when supplemented, improves stress tolerance, causes improvement in cognitive functions and has anti-fatigue effects.
There are several classes of medications, which are crutial for life extension and for the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases like Atherosclerosis, Cancer, Diabetes
You can view in details these class of anti-aging drugs here:
****Calorie Restriction mimetics (CR-mimetics)
****Anti-Cancer Drugs
****Cardioprotective drugs
Later on this web page we will give you a full list of anti-aging drugs, which can be reccommended for everybody, who want to live healthy long life.
****Anti-aging pharmacies (our recommendations)