
Prolongation de la vie et traitement des maladies par le biais du jeûne périodique et de la restriction calorique -- le plus puissant plan anti-vieillissement, naturel et prouvé scientifiquement


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(Body Mass Index)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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Scientifiquement et expérimentalement prouvé que le jeûne puisse soigner l'asthme:

According to Dr. Fuhrman’s observations ( Dr. Joel Fuhrman M.D."Fasting and Eating for Health", St. Martin’s Griffin, New York, 1995) the more severe the asthma and the greater the dependency on medication, the longer it takes to archive a recovery when we apply natural methods. He have found that a long fast, or sometimes two fasts with impeccable dietary habits in between, is usually essential for the resolution when the patient has been dependent on multiple medications for many years. The beneficial effects of fasting in asthmatics have been well documented in the Russian medical literature. Their clinical trials illustrated that more than 75 percent of patients had greatly improved conditions or never had symptoms of asthma again after fasting.

Exception from Dr. Fuhrman book (for asthmatic patients)

“… Beth was a severe asthmatic and had history of recurrent hospitalizations before she came under my care. At first we avoided further hospitalization only by keeping her on high doses of inhalted steroids, as well as other medication. Frequently, we had to add oral steroids in addition to the inhaled steroids when her condition took a turn for the worse. She was never in good control of her asthma even with high doses of medication and always endured wheezing and poor air flow. She awoke nightly to uses her breathing machines.

Although she followed a careful diet, we saw no improvement. We talked about fasting, but she was not able to set a definite date to begin a fast because of her work responsibilities and her fear of undertaking a prolonged fast.

Slowly, through the fiest week of the fast, as Beth’s breathing improved, we tapered her medication. Within four days of beginning the fast she developed a red, itchy rash all over her arms and legs. This represented the elimination of retained toxins that her body had never effectively been able to remove while she was eating and taking medication, especially because she was habitually on steroids. I assume her that this type of rash is extremely common in patients who have been on steroids in the past, because these medications suppress the body’s self-cleansing and detoxification mechanisms, permitting the retention of tissue wate products.

Taking an oatmeal bath a few times daily helped relieve her itching. The rash began to clear, her breathing improved. And by the eighth day of the fast we were able to safely stop all medications. Beth continued her fast for 21 days, and for the first time in years was on no medication or inhalers. I was unsure where or not she still had a touch of asthma left; her peak flow measurements on spirometer were still slightly below normal, and I suspected that, in such a severe case, she should undertake another fast six months after the first one to make sure her body had adequately normalized and healed.

Experimental and clinical studies:

Effectiveness of short courses of fasting in pre-asthma and asthma patients
[Article in Ukrainian]
Lik Sprava 2002 Apr-Jun;(3-4):79-81.
Tovt-Korshyns'ka MI, Spivak MIa, Chopei IV.

     In patients with preasthma and bronchial asthma, short-term courses of fasting dietotherapy (FDT) with a 7-day fasting period proved to be effective, as evidenced by clinical-and-functional and laboratory investigations. The incidence rate of viral infections was much lower with short-term courses compared to long-term courses. Too low an effect, if any, with FDT short-term courses can be explained by excess of the patient's body weight. Short-term FDT courses with a 3-day fasting period have been found out to result in a significant decrease in the level of anxiety, as measured by Spilberger Anxiety Inventory.

Enterosorption and therapeutic fasting in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma (Enterosorbtsiia i lechebnoe golodanie v terapii bol'nykh bronkhial'noi astmoi).
Asthma Klin Med (Mosk) 1991 Apr;69(4):54-6. 
Dzhugostran VIa; Niamtsu ET; Zlepka VD; Marchenko IuG.
     To rise the effectiveness of the treatment and reduce its duration as well as to out acidosis, 18 patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis were treated by fasting diet and enterosorption. The scheme of the diet was conventional, with intake of SKNP-2 enterosorbent

Fasting-dietetic therapy as a non-medicinal method of choice in complicated cases of asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma: pathophysiologic shifts, indications for treatment, results (review with presentation of author's observations)

Ter Arkh. 1991;63(3):100-3.
[Article in Russian]
Kokosov AN, Osinin SG, Faustova ME.

Use of controlled therapeutic fasting in bronchial asthma.
Adravookhr Belorus 1979; 0 (9): 55-58.
Gorbachev VV, Sytyi VP, Sizova EP, Vasnev VI, Boyarintseva AV.

According to Dr. Fuhrman’s observations the more severe the asthma and the greater the dependency on medication, the longer it takes to achive a recovery when we apply natural methods. He have found that a long fast, or sometimes two fasts with impreccable dietary habits in between, is usually essential for the resolution when the patient has been dependent on multiple medications for many years.

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