How does dietary restriction produce protective effects against aging |
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Starvation may protect organism against chemotherapy |
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Benefits of Caloric Restriction on Memory Shown in Humans |
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Cutting Calories in Middle Age Could Extend Lifespan |
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Vitamin Supplement with Folic Acid good for women |
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New U.S. Dietary Guidelines: Eat Less, Exercise More |
Scientifiquement et expérimentalement prouvé que le jeûne et la restriction calorique puissent soigner les troubles psychiatriques: Studies in Epilepsy Clinical evidence Fasting-diet therapy of elderly patients with borderline mental disorders. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova 1991;91(4):101-4 Polishchuk IuI During the fasting dietetic therapy (FDT), 89 patients aged 46 to 75 years with mental disorders of nonpsychotic character (neurosis-like, neurotic and affective) were examined. The time-course of changes in the clinical status of patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, essential hypertension, slow-progredient schizophrenia, cyclothymia and manic-depressive psychosis, neuroses and lingering neurotic reactions during the FDT is described. The beneficial results in the form of considerable improvement and improvement of the mental status were attained in 83.2% of the patients. The elderly patients were found to tolerate FDT well. Side effects and somatic complications were recorded in 6 patients and were not serious. Based on the data obtained the FDT can be recommended for use on a wider basis in the management of elderly patients with borderline mental disorders. Fasting therapy for psychosomatic disorders in Japan. Psychother Psychosom. 1979;31(1-4):307-14. Suzuki J, Yamauchi Y, Yamamoto H, Komuro U. It has been well known in Japan that fasting therapy has an excellent effect on various kinds of psychosomatic diseases. From 1967 to 1977 the therapy was carried out on about 382 cases of psychosomatic diseases in our clinic with an efficacy rate of 87%. The following diseases were considered as suitable indications for the therapy; irritable colon, behavioral disturbance of eating, functional disorders of the G-I tract, neurocirculatory asthenia, labile hypertension, variable psychosomatic symptoms of puberty, conversion hysteria and many kinds of neurosis with somatic complaints. The mechanism of effectiveness of the therapy is discussed from the psychological and biological aspects. It is concluded that the regulating mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system may change the whole functioning of the body including the brain, resulting in a spontaneous deconditioning of maladaptive bodily and mental behavior and an improved homeostatic adjustment to life.