Practice >> Anti-Aging Plan


Calculate your BMI
(Body Mass Index)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Your Height: cm
Your Weight: kg
Your BMI:

La Práctica de la extensión de la vida y del tratamiento de enfermedades.

De los seis métodos de extensión de la duración de la vida y de tratamiento de en fermedades discutidos con anterioridad en la sección de "Teoría", consideramos que usted tendría que empezar su plan anti-envejecimiento con el método más poderoso (y 100% probado) - El método de restricción calórica y ayuno intermitente. Este método incluso si se usa solo, puede añadir entre 30 y 50 años saludables a la duración de su vida dependiendo a la edad en que usted comience.

Ayuno, restricción calórica, programas de purificación.
Son realizados por el equipo  anti-aging  e incluyen a médicos y especialistas licenciados: terapeutas, diagnósticos, fisiólogos, nutricionistas, masajistas y otros especialistas.

¿Cuales condiciones médicas pueden ser tratadas mediante el ayuno y la restricción calórica?
* Enrfermedades cardiacas, arterioesclerosis, angina pectoral
* Colesterol alto, altos nivelles de lípìdos en la sangre, hipertensión
* Cataratas,  degeneración macular, glaucoma
* Hepatitis crónica, colecistosis
* Obesidad
* Glomerulonefritis
* Hemorroides
* Enfermedad de Crohn
* Colitis crónica, enteritis, ulceras intestinales
* Artritis reumatoide 
* Tromboflebitis
* Diabetes
* Enfermedades del riñón
* Gota y niveles elevados de ácido urico
* Enfermedades degenerativas de la columna vertebral 
* Asma bronquial, bronquitis
* Tonsillitis, sinusitis
* Convulsiones, epilepsia
* Depresión, ansiedad, desordenes relacionados al pánico, estrés
* psoriasis,  eccema, alergias de la piel
* Tumores
* Infecciones, baja inmunidad
* Envejecimiento cerebral
* Alzheimer
* Infertilidad
* Perdida capilar (presbyacusis)
* Envenenamiento, toxicosis
* Infecciones crónicas
* Apnea obstructiva del sueño
* Perdidad muscular (sarcopenia)
* Enfermedad de charcot-marie-tooth 

Anti-Aging Cyclic Nutrition method. Yearly plan.

Plan #1.

Disease prevention fasting regimen. 1500 kcal/day (program for one year). This program, plan #1 is recommended both for disease prevention and disease treatment.
Plan with moderate fasting regimen.
The program comprises 4 cycles per year (Fig. 1). The length of one cycle is 13 weeks, comprising: 1 "fasting week", 1 "recovery week" and 11 "ordinary weeks"). Total no. of fasting days – 72 per year.
"Fasting week" comprises 7 days of 0 kcal; total 0 kcal
"Recovery week" comprises 7 days of gradually-increasing caloric intake (see below); total 5200 kcal
"Ordinary week" comprises 6 full-feeding days (2000 kcal/day) plus 1 fasting day (0 kcal). (We suggest Tuesday or Friday for the fasting day.) Total 12000 kcal per week in these weeks.
So total caloric consumption in one 13-week cycle is 137,200 kcal [= 0 + 5200 + (12000 x 11)], and total intake in 1 year is 548,800 kcal [137,200 x 4 cycles]. The average caloric intake over the year is [548,800 / 365] = 1504 kcal/day (approximately 1500 kcal). Total no. of fasting days: 72 per year [(7 + 11) x 4 cycles]. We suggest choosing this program as a good starting-point. It comprises FOUR FASTING PERIODS PER YEAR (7 + 7 + 7 + 7 days) and this is probably easiest to follow as these form a regular pattern. The fasting periods are evenly distributed within the year (Fig. 1).

As alternative variants, you could choose a program with THREE FASTING PERIODS PER YEAR (7 + 7 + 14 fasting days); or TWO FASTING PERIODS PER YEAR (either 14 + 14 fasting days, or 7 + 21 days).

RECOVERY WEEK (for 1500 kcal/day plan). After the 7 day total fast the recovery period ("recovery week") will also be 7 days. On the first day after the end of the fast (the 8th day after the start of the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 900; on the 6th, 1200; and on the 7th day 1600 kcal. So during these 7 "recovery days" your total intake will be 5200 kcal.

Fig.1 Time pattern of caloric intake for Plan #1 (average 1500 kcal/day, moderate fasting program
with 4 total-fast weeks per year). Intake is shown for each day for the whole year. Total no. of fasting days: 72 per year.

Plan #2.

Curative fasting regimen. 1000 kcal/day (program for one year)
This program, plan #2 is highly recommended for life-extension and intence treatment of many chronic diseases.
The program comprises 2 cycles per year. The length of one cycle is 26 weeks, containing a total of 3 fasting weeks and 20 "ordinary weeks", as follows:
1 "fasting week" plus 1 "recovery week", then 8 "ordinary weeks"; then 1 "fasting fortnight" plus 1 "recovery fortnight", and finally 12 "ordinary weeks". See Fig. 2.
"Fasting week" and "fasting fortnight" comprise 7 days and 14 days of 0 kcal/day; total 0 kcal.
"Recovery week" comprises 7 days of gradually increasing caloric intake (see below); total 5100 kcal.
"Recovery fortnight" comprises 14 days of gradually increasing caloric intake (see below); total 10200 kcal.
"Ordinary week" comprises 5 full-feeding days (1700 kcal/day) plus 2 extra fasting days (0 kcal). (We suggest Wednesday and Friday for the fasting days.) Total intake 8500 kcal/week in these weeks.
Total caloric consumption in 1 cycle (26 weeks) is 185,300 kcal [0 + 5100 + 0 + 10200 + (8500x20)]. Total intake in 1 year is 370,600 kcal [185,300 x 2 cycles]. Average caloric intake over the year is [370,600 / 365] = 1015 kcal/day (approximately 1000 kcal). Total no. of fasting days: 122 per year [(7 + 14 + 2x20) x 2 cycles].

RECOVERY PERIODS. After the 7 day fast the recovery period is also 7 days. On the first day after the end of the fast (the 8th day after the start of the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day, 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 900; on the 6th, 1200; and on the 7th day 1500 kcal. So during the 7 days of this "recovery week" your total intake will be 5100 kcal. After the 14 day fast the recovery period is correspondingly longer, and consists of 14 days with daily intakes of 200 + 200 + 300 + 300 + 400 + 400 + 600 + 600 + 900 + 900 + 1200 + 1200 + 1500 + 1500 kcal. So during this 14 day recovery period your total intake will be 10200 kcal. 

Fig.2 Time pattern of caloric intake for Plan #2. (average 1000 kcal/day; curative fasting program with 6 total-fast weeks per year). Intake is shown for each day for the whole year. Total no. of fasting days: 122 per year.

fasting, calorie restriction, cleansing, adriatic, croatia, hungary, economo, arcady economo, caloric restriction.
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