Лечебно-оздоровительное голодание и ограничение калорийности питания - единственный эффективный способ значительного продления активной жизни человека и излечения от подавляющего большинства хронических заболеваний

Calculate your BMI
(Body Mass Index)

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Your Height: cm
Your Weight: kg
Your BMI:

We conduct Anti-Aging Fasting and Cleansing programs in Central Europe since 1991.

We offer a range of Fasting and Cleansing Programs located in
Budapest, the elegant and vibrant capital city of Hungary and in Croatia on the Adriatic riviera near the sea in Opatija (North Croatia) and in Makarska (Middle Croatia). Programs are individually tailored to suit the client: water fasting, juice fasting, or a special low-calorie diet depending on the doctor's decision following a careful medical check-up on the patient.

Dr. Arcady Economo, Ph.D., Pharm.D. is the lead organizer for our fasting programs in Central Europe. He graduated in biochemistry from Moscow University, USSR and then worked in the Moscow Institute of Pharmacology, where he obtained his Ph.D. on a topic involving anti-aging drugs. After that he worked in the field of gerontology at the Russian State Medical University developing special anti-aging programs. Since 1993 he has been a director of "European Anti-aging Programs", operating in Opatija, Croatia and in Budapest, Hungary. The main thrust of his activity is the development and popularization of the fasting and caloric-restriction method for the treatment of chronic diseases and for life extension. He is the author of scientific articles on anti-aging and caloric restriction. Dr. Economo’s most popular anti-aging paper can be found online here: www.Anti-Aging-Guide.com

Dr. Szilbia Boros is a medical doctor who supervises fasting patients in Hungary; she is an expert in sports medicine and naturopathic medicine. She graduated from the Semmelweis Medical University of Budapest, Hungary. She is the author of a specialist paper titled: Anxiety, Physical Self-Concept and Nutritional Characteristics of Elite Rhythmic Gymnasts.
All anti-aging programs are supervised by a team including medical practitioners, nutritionists, psychologist, masseuses, sports trainers, and other expert stuff members.

arcady economo, ekonomov, ekonomo, economo, antiaging, antiageing, fasting, Hungary, Croatia, medical, programs, sports, Budapest, Opatija, Moscow, Moscow University - key words
en de it ru fr sp +36-306125826
Заболевания, которые можно предотвратить или вылечить посредством терапевтического голодания и/ или с помощью низко-калорийных диет. Экспериментальные и клинические доказательства приведены ниже:


нейро-дегенеративные расстройства

болезнь Альцгеймера

снижение памяти

синдром хронической усталости

повышенная судорожная готовность и эпилепсия

cнижение и потеря слуха

психические расстройства

сердечно-сосудистые заболевания

гипертоническая болезнь

остановка дыхания во сне

ревматоидный артрит



холецистит и подагра

болезни позвоночника

болезни органов пищеварения


снижение мышечной массы, саркопения

иммуннодефицины и хронические воспаления

катаракта и глаукома, макулярная дегенерация


кожные заболевания, псориаз, нейродермит и другие

профилактика онко заболеваний


отравление, токсикоз

заболевания печени

заболевания почек

безопасность и эффективность голодания

побочные действия и осложнения при голодании

противопоказания голоданию

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More information about Fasting&Cleansing program read here

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